'Naruto Go' is a game of fighting skills and speed, so if you are a fan of this type of games, it might prove an interesting option. Your goal is to finish your task as fast as you can.
The hero of this game is the famous cartoon character Naruto Uzumaki, a teenager ninja who wants to save the world from evil forces. As a full participant in the action, you should help Naruto in performing his tasks and confronting the danger. Actually, you are the one who fights the evil because the main character is left entirely under your control, moving and taking part in the action according to how you coordinate him.
The menu is easy to use even for a beginner. By accessing the ‘Option’ button, you are able to choose the graphic settings, as well as the level you want to play. You may also change keyboard settings in order to have a better control of your character. While the game loads, you will be able to see information about how you can direct your character. The sounding is good, but the images' resolution is not very clear. The game ends when you or your opponents are defeated. Also, there is a chronometer that points out the duration of your battles.
Naruto Go proves to be a very entertaining game that gives you the possibility to become an expert in ninja moves.